I was born 28 February 1971. I have been interested in amateur radio since 1983
when some friends and I experimented with the maximum distance that we could
hear each other (only a few hundred meters) using a simple QRP walkie-talkie from
my home on the sixth floor of the highest building in the area.
I became the "base station" for my friends' stations!
I became licensed as IT9EJW in 1993 (tnx IT9GSV) and dedicated my radio activities to DXing.
I started with a Kenwood TS 450 and homemade inverted-V dipoles.
Later I installed a rotating dipole. In 1999 Angelo (IT9IQQ) gave me a Hy-Gain TH3jr
with 3 elements for 10, 15 and 20 m.
I never needed an amplifier with my great QTH.
I worked over 300 different DXCC entities with 100 watts!
I am also interested in meteorology. I have a Davis weather station using the
Vantage Pro 2 plus with related weatherlink software.
I upload the data from this system to my website: http://www.it9ejw.it/meteo.htm
I enjoy sea activities, especially underwater fishing using free diving (breath holding).
I have posted some photos on the link: http://www.qsl.net/it9ejw/sport.html
I am a printer by profession and do design work. Tipolitografia dei F.lli Bonanno
is the name of the family business started by my father in 1982.
My brother and I now manage the day to day business.
I started my QSL printing business in 1999 and it is well known as "QSL CARD BY IT9EJW"
at http://www.printed.it
My father has asked how I can manage to participate in all these different
hobbies. My answer to him is "it is like an alloy-I have combined meteorology,
the sea and radio waves." 73 de Alfio IT9EJW (also KC9TDK USA license)

Also: FO/IT9EJW IOTA OC-264 (2003) --- FO/IT9EJW IOTA OC-052 (2004)
IT9EJW/P IOTA EU-166 (2002 and 2003) --- IT9EJW/P IOTA EU-025 (2008)

One of: IU9ACI IOTA EU-166 (2002) --- ID9RGE IOTA EU-017 (2003)
IT9FCC/P IOTA EU-166 (2003) --- IT9EJW/P IOTA EU-166 (2010-2011) IOTA Contest
IR9Y (2010-2011) CQWW CW Contest --- IT9EJW (2011-2012) Russian DX Contest
IR9Y (2011-2012) WPX CW Contest --- IO9HQ 10-15mt CW (2012) IARU Contest
IT9EJW (2012) Ukrainian DX Contest

IT9EJW Alfio Bonanno - San Giovanni La Punta (Catania) - Sicily island - Italy - © 2022